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Sherwood Forest is located in California.

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Sherwood Forest Schools and Demographics

Education near Sherwood Forest, CA

City County
High School Graduates N/A N/A
College Degree - 2 year N/A N/A
College Degree - 4 year N/A N/A
Graduate Degree N/A N/A
Expenditures per Student N/A N/A
Students per Teacher N/A N/A

Elementary Schools near Sherwood Forest, CA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Anatola Avenue Elementary School KG - 05 445 21.2 91406
Andasol Avenue Elementary School KG - 05 420 23.3 91325
Bassett Street Elementary School KG - 05 895 23.6 91406
Bertrand Avenue Elementary School KG - 05 425 22.4 91335
Blythe Street Elementary School KG - 05 464 23.2 91335
Calahan Community Charter KG - 05 605 24.2 91324
Cantara Street Elementary School KG - 05 546 21 91335
Carlos Santana Arts Academy KG - 05 550 25 91343
Cohasset Street Elementary School KG - 05 585 23.4 91406
Dearborn Elementary Charter Academy KG - 05 522 25.5 91325
Garden Grove Elementary School KG - 05 454 23.9 91335
Gault Street Elementary School KG - 05 401 21.1 91406
Gledhill Street Elementary School KG - 05 510 22.2 91343
Langdon Avenue Elementary School KG - 05 597 21.3 91343
Lassen Elementary School KG - 05 512 22.3 91343
Lemay Street Elementary School KG - 05 393 23.1 91406
Lorne Street Elementary School KG - 05 591 24.6 91325
Magnolia Science Academy 7 KG - 05 295 26.8 91325
Mayall Street Elementary School KG - 05 432 21.6 91343
Melvin Avenue Elementary School KG - 05 414 22.4 91335
Napa Street Elementary School KG - 05 480 22.3 91324
Newcastle Elementary School KG - 05 426 23.7 91335
Noble Avenue Elementary School KG - 05 859 22.6 91343
Parthenia Street Elementary School KG - 05 665 23.8 91343
Plummer Elementary School KG - 06 1,002 24.7 91343
Reseda Elementary School KG - 05 401 22.3 91335
Rosa Parks Learning Center KG - 05 738 23.8 91343
Shirley Avenue Elementary School KG - 05 553 23 91335
Stagg Street Elementary School KG - 05 468 23.4 91406
Topeka Charter School for Advanced Studies KG - 05 546 22.8 91324
Valley Charter Elementary School KG - 05 264 22 91343
Vanalden Avenue Elementary School KG - 05 403 22.4 91335

Middle Schools near Sherwood Forest, CA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Alfred B. Nobel Charter Middle 06 - 08 2,532 32.1 91324
Francisco Sepulveda Middle School 06 - 08 1,626 22.2 91343
Ivy Bound Acad. Math, Sci, and Tech Charter Middle #2 05 - 08 152 20.3 91324
Northridge Middle School 06 - 08 837 18.8 91325
Oliver Wendell Holmes Middle School 06 - 08 1,533 28.1 91325
Valley Charter Middle 06 - 08 177 29.5 91343
William Mulholland Middle School 06 - 08 1,130 24.6 91406

High Schools near Sherwood Forest, CA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Birmingham Community Charter High School 09 - 12 3,269 28.3 91406
Daniel Pearl Journalism & Communications Magnet School 09 - 12 402 20.6 91406
Grover Cleveland Charter High 09 - 12 3,241 27.6 91335
High Tech La School 09 - 12 375 22.9 91406
James Monroe High School 09 - 12 2,477 24.3 91343
Northridge Academy High 09 - 12 1,081 25.4 91325
Reseda Senior High School 09 - 12 1,720 21.1 91335

Ungraded Schools near Sherwood Forest, CA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
* Albert Einstein Continuation School 09 - 12 70 20 91343
* Independence Continuation School 09 - 12 123 17.6 91406
* John R. Wooden High 09 - 12 122 20.3 91335
* Zane Grey Continuation School 09 - 12 146 20.9 91335
Diane S. Leichman Special Education Center 06 - 12 189 10.6 91335
Joaquin Miller Career and Transition Center 06 - 12 231 11.6 91335
Magnolia Science Academy 06 - 12 530 19.3 91335
Magnolia Science Academy 2 06 - 12 459 24.6 91406
Magnolia Science Academy 5 06 - 12 106 23 91335
Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies 04 - 12 2,085 30.2 91335
SVEN Lokrantz Special Education Center KG - 12 81 9 91335
Valley Alternative Magnet School KG - 12 616 25.1 91406

Demographics near Sherwood Forest, CA

City County
Neighborhood Type
Population N/A N/A
Population Density N/A N/A
Median Age N/A N/A
People per Household N/A N/A
Median Household Income N/A N/A
Average Income per Capita N/A N/A

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