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Utica Real Estate

Utica is located in Illinois.

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Utica Schools and Demographics

Education near Utica, IL

City County
High School Graduates N/A N/A
College Degree - 2 year N/A N/A
College Degree - 4 year N/A N/A
Graduate Degree N/A N/A
Expenditures per Student N/A N/A
Students per Teacher N/A N/A

Elementary Schools near Utica, IL

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Deer Park C C Elementary School PK - 08 104 9.9 61350
Dimmick Comm Cons School KG - 08 147 13.6 61301
Jackson School PK - PK 115 23.6 61301
Jefferson Elementary School PK - 04 339 14.3 61350
Lincoln Elementary School PK - 04 502 18.3 61350
Lincoln Elementary School PK - 05 454 15.2 61348
McKinley Elementary School PK - 04 380 14.5 61350
Northview Elementary School PK - 01 274 14.4 61354
Northwest Elementary School KG - 05 609 14.7 61301
Rutland Elementary School KG - 08 65 7.1 61350
Wallace Elementary School PK - 08 322 12.8 61350
Waltham Elementary School KG - 08 225 12.4 61373
Washington Elementary School 02 - 04 273 14.8 61354

Middle Schools near Utica, IL

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Central Intermediate School 05 - 06 413 15.1 61350
Lincoln Junior High School 06 - 08 298 17.1 61301
Parkside Middle School 05 - 08 386 12.4 61354
Shepherd Middle School 07 - 08 465 13.6 61350
Washington Elementary School 06 - 08 161 16.8 61348

High Schools near Utica, IL

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
La Salle-Peru Township High School 09 - 12 1,206 13.7 61301
Ottawa Township High School 09 - 12 1,396 15 61350

Ungraded Schools near Utica, IL

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Circuit Breaker School 05 - 12 29 5.8 61354
Lasalle ROE Taoep 06 - 12 0 0 61350
Regional Safe School 06 - 12 34 10.3 61354

Demographics near Utica, IL

City County
Neighborhood Type
Population N/A N/A
Population Density N/A N/A
Median Age N/A N/A
People per Household N/A N/A
Median Household Income N/A N/A
Average Income per Capita N/A N/A

Real estate near Utica