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Braintree Real Estate

Braintree is located in Massachusetts.

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Braintree Schools and Demographics

Education near Braintree, MA

City County
High School Graduates N/A N/A
College Degree - 2 year N/A N/A
College Degree - 4 year N/A N/A
Graduate Degree N/A N/A
Expenditures per Student N/A N/A
Students per Teacher N/A N/A

Elementary Schools near Braintree, MA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Amelio Della Chiesa Early Childhood Center PK - PK 149 13.6 02169
Archie T Morrison KG - 05 400 12.1 02184
Atherton Hough KG - 05 265 10.7 02169
Charles A Bernazzani Elementary School KG - 05 357 15.3 02169
Clifford H Marshall Elementary School KG - 04 575 13.3 02169
Donald Ross 01 - 05 266 10.5 02184
Elizabeth G Lyons Elementary School KG - 05 300 11.3 02368
Frederick C Murphy KG - 04 263 16.3 02188
Highlands 01 - 05 386 13.2 02184
Hollis KG - 05 428 11.8 02184
J F Kennedy Elementary School PK - 05 431 11.4 02368
Liberty 01 - 05 435 14.1 02184
Lincoln-Hancock Community School KG - 04 491 13.2 02169
Margaret L Donovan KG - 05 428 12.3 02368
Martin E Young Elementary School KG - 05 348 12.9 02368
Mary E Flaherty School KG - 05 378 13.3 02184
Merrymount KG - 05 365 15.7 02169
Monatiquot Kindergarten Center KG - KG 289 20.4 02184
Ralph Talbot KG - 04 297 19 02190
Snug Harbor Community School PK - 05 419 12.2 02169
Thomas V Nash KG - 04 242 18.2 02190
Thomas W. Hamilton Primary School KG - 04 405 16.6 02190
William Seach KG - 04 375 18.9 02188

Middle Schools near Braintree, MA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Broad Meadows Middle School 06 - 08 349 12.8 02169
East Middle School 06 - 08 751 13.9 02184
Point Webster Middle School 05 - 08 348 11.1 02169
Randolph Community Middle School 06 - 08 690 11.6 02368
Reay E Sterling Middle School 05 - 08 325 11.2 02169
South Middle School 06 - 08 646 13.5 02184

High Schools near Braintree, MA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Braintree High School 09 - 12 1,707 15.5 02184
Quincy High School 09 - 12 1,484 13.2 02169
Randolph High School 09 - 12 707 10.2 02368
Weymouth High School 09 - 12 2,055 15.3 02190

Demographics near Braintree, MA

City County
Neighborhood Type
Population N/A N/A
Population Density N/A N/A
Median Age N/A N/A
People per Household N/A N/A
Median Household Income N/A N/A
Average Income per Capita N/A N/A

Real estate near Braintree