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Rockaway Real Estate

Rockaway is located in New Jersey.

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Rockaway Schools and Demographics

Education near Rockaway, NJ

City County
High School Graduates N/A N/A
College Degree - 2 year N/A N/A
College Degree - 4 year N/A N/A
Graduate Degree N/A N/A
Expenditures per Student N/A N/A
Students per Teacher N/A N/A

Elementary Schools near Rockaway, NJ

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Arthur Stanlick Elementary School 03 - 05 362 11.1 07885
Catherine A Dwyer Elementary School KG - 05 318 12 07885
Intervale Elementary School KG - 05 297 15.3 07005
John Hill School 01 - 08 574 10.3 07005
Katharine D Malone Elementary School KG - 05 262 10.1 07866
Lakeview Elementary School PK - 05 668 12.7 07834
Lincoln Elementary School PK - 03 239 13.1 07866
Marie V. Duffy Elementary School PK - 05 488 10.7 07885
Riverview Elementary School KG - 05 382 10.9 07834
Rockaway Valley School PK - 08 453 11.1 07005
School Street School PK - KG 16 1.6 07005
Stony Brook Elementary School KG - 05 324 10.3 07866
Wildwood Elementary School KG - 05 453 16.8 07046

Middle Schools near Rockaway, NJ

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Alfred C. Mackinnon Middle School 06 - 08 292 9.7 07885
Briarcliff Middle School 06 - 08 312 13.6 07046
Copeland Middle School 06 - 08 863 10.9 07866
Thomas Jefferson Middle School 04 - 08 339 13.4 07866
Valleyview Middle School 06 - 08 622 11.5 07834

High Schools near Rockaway, NJ

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Boonton High School 09 - 12 578 11.7 07005
Morris Hills High School 09 - 12 1,202 11.1 07866
Morris Knolls High School 09 - 12 1,583 11.1 07834
Mountain Lakes High School 09 - 12 692 12.3 07046

Ungraded Schools near Rockaway, NJ

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
* Academy for Mathematics Science and Engineering 09 - 12 97 07866
* Morris County School of Technology 09 - 12 653 9.3 07834
Park Lake School 02 - 12 39 5 07866

Demographics near Rockaway, NJ

City County
Neighborhood Type
Population N/A N/A
Population Density N/A N/A
Median Age N/A N/A
People per Household N/A N/A
Median Household Income N/A N/A
Average Income per Capita N/A N/A

Real estate near Rockaway