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Dona Ana Real Estate

Dona Ana is located in New Mexico.

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Dona Ana Schools and Demographics

Education near Dona Ana, NM

City County
High School Graduates N/A N/A
College Degree - 2 year N/A N/A
College Degree - 4 year N/A N/A
Graduate Degree N/A N/A
Expenditures per Student N/A N/A
Students per Teacher N/A N/A

Elementary Schools near Dona Ana, NM

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Alameda Elementary School PK - 05 285 15.4 88001
Booker T. Washington PK - 05 384 14.3 88001
Central Elementary School PK - 05 268 11.8 88001
Cesar Chavez Elementary School PK - 02 607 16.1 88001
Columbia Elementary School PK - 05 489 15.7 88005
Conlee Elementary School PK - 05 532 13 88001
Desert Hills Elementary School PK - 05 607 15.3 88001
Dona Ana Elementary School PK - 05 382 13 88001
East Picacho Elementary School PK - 05 525 16.1 88001
Fairacres Elementary School KG - 05 483 17.7 88001
Hermosa Heights Elementary School PK - 05 496 15 88001
Hillrise Elementary School PK - 05 557 15.1 88001
Jornada Elementary School PK - 05 540 16.3 88001
Loma Heights Elementary School PK - 05 503 16.2 88001
Mac Arthur Elementary School PK - 05 467 14.2 88001
Mesilla Elementary School PK - 05 326 14.1 88001
Mesilla Park Elementary School PK - 05 475 14.6 88001
Sunrise Elementary School 03 - 05 436 17.5 88001
Tombaugh Elementary School PK - 05 688 15.1 88001
University Hills Elementary School PK - 05 392 14.2 88001
White Sands Elementary School PK - 08 320 12.7 88001

Middle Schools near Dona Ana, NM

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
La Academia Dolores Huerta 06 - 08 165 88001
Lynn Middle School 06 - 08 796 15.5 88001
Mesa Middle 06 - 08 623 15.3 88001
Picacho Middle School 06 - 08 779 14.5 88001
Sierra Middle School 06 - 08 848 15.1 88001
Vista Middle School 06 - 08 686 15.6 88001
Zia Middle School 06 - 08 776 15.3 88001

High Schools near Dona Ana, NM

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Alma D'Arte Charter 09 - 12 199 11 88005
Aztec Youth Academy 09 - 12 23 2.8 88001
Las Cruces High School 09 - 12 1,661 16.3 88001
Las Montanas Charter School 09 - 12 177 9.8 88001
Mayfield High School 09 - 12 1,499 15.1 88001
New America School - Las Cruces 09 - 12 326 29.2 88001
Onate High School 09 - 12 1,585 16.1 88001

Ungraded Schools near Dona Ana, NM

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
* Rio Grande Preparatory Institute 09 - 12 259 14.4 88046
Arrowhead Park Medical Academy 09 - 09 58 17.9 88001

Demographics near Dona Ana, NM

City County
Neighborhood Type
Population N/A N/A
Population Density N/A N/A
Median Age N/A N/A
People per Household N/A N/A
Median Household Income N/A N/A
Average Income per Capita N/A N/A

Real estate near Dona Ana