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Mc Kinney is located in Texas.

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Mc Kinney Schools and Demographics

Education near Mc Kinney, TX

City County
High School Graduates N/A N/A
College Degree - 2 year N/A N/A
College Degree - 4 year N/A N/A
Graduate Degree N/A N/A
Expenditures per Student N/A N/A
Students per Teacher N/A N/A

Elementary Schools near Mc Kinney, TX

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Albert & Iola Lee Davis Malvern Elementary School KG - 05 540 12.8 75069
Alton Boyd Elementary School PK - 06 718 12.4 75002
Alvis C Story Elementary School PK - 06 533 14.4 75002
Arthur H McNeil Elementary School KG - 05 445 13.8 75070
Bolin Elementary School PK - 06 631 15.2 75002
Burks Elementary School KG - 05 539 14.2 75069
Caldwell Elementary KG - 05 537 14 75069
Carrie L Lovejoy Elementary School PK - 04 435 13.1 75002
D L Rountree Elementary School PK - 06 589 13.4 75002
Dean and Mildred Bennett Elementary School KG - 05 491 15.8 75070
Elliott Elementary KG - 05 536 16.1 75070
Gary and Bobbye Jack Minshew Elementary School KG - 05 656 15.7 75071
George J Anderson Elementary School PK - 06 603 15.3 75002
Godwin Elementary School PK - 05 683 17.1 75407
Herman Lawson Early Childhood School PK - PK 632 18.9 75071
James and Margie Marion Elementary School PK - 06 792 16.2 75002
Joe V Hart Elementary School PK - 04 447 13.9 75002
Jose De Jesus and Maria Luisa Vega Elementary School KG - 05 591 13.1 75070
Lizzie Nell Cundiff McClure Elementary KG - 05 629 15.5 75071
Max O Vaughan Elementary School PK - 06 508 14.5 75002
Naomi Press Elementary School KG - 05 495 12.3 75070
Reuben Johnson Elementary School KG - 05 583 16.1 75070
Roy Lee Walker Elementary School KG - 05 572 16.7 75070
Slaughter Elementary School KG - 05 650 12.9 75070
Valley Creek Elementary School KG - 05 505 15.2 75070

Middle Schools near Mc Kinney, TX

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Clark Junior High School 07 - 08 540 16.3 75407
Dowell Middle School 06 - 08 1,092 15.1 75070
Dr Jack Cockrill Middle School 06 - 08 1,349 15.4 75071
El #22 KG - 05 0 75069
Faubion Middle School 06 - 08 976 15.2 75069
Huddleston Intermediate School 06 - 06 275 16.4 75407
Scoggins Middle School 06 - 08 790 13.7 75070
Sloan Creek Int. 05 - 06 642 14 75002

High Schools near Mc Kinney, TX

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Allen High School 09 - 12 4,536 19.2 75002
Lovejoy High School 09 - 12 1,259 13.8 75002
McKinney Boyd High School 09 - 12 2,881 17 75070
McKinney High School 09 - 12 2,486 16.7 75069
McKinney North High School 09 - 12 2,089 15.6 75070
Princeton High School 09 - 12 1,048 15.5 75407

Ungraded Schools near Mc Kinney, TX

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
* J J A E P 07 - 12 5 0.9 75069
* Serenity High School 09 - 12 6 2 75069
County Residential Center 06 - 12 90 6.9 75071
Imagine International Academy of North Texas KG - 11 1,097 75071
Leta Horn Smith UG - UG 0 75407
Lovejoy DAEP KG - 12 0 75002
Pat Dillard Special Achievement Center KG - 12 0 75002
Princeton/Farmersville DAEP 01 - 12 0 75407
W E Pete Ford Middle School 07 - 10 877 15.8 75002

Real estate near Mc Kinney